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Nature for solo guitar

Nature for solo guitar

Sheet Music

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the nature of man / the nature of earth

This composition had two initial inspirations: the aggressive sound of a minor major seventh chord, and the traffic on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard in Clarksville, Tennessee.

I lived in Clarksville for two years while attending Austin Peay State University. It's not among my favorite places I've lived. With the sprawling expanse of big box retailers, fast food restaurants, three-lane thoroughfares, crumbling side streets, and a hard-to-ignore litter problem, it is a perfect picture of Anywhere, USA.

I sketched out the early ideas for this piece shortly after graduating from APSU. As I continued composing it over the next two years, I held in my head the image of an asphalt jungle and frantic vehicle traffic.

The title Nature eluded me until long after I had finished the piece. It holds a dual meaning, referring to humanity's tendency to always build and expand with disregard for the impact on the nature around us, as well as the way in which nature eventually takes over, much like grass sprouting through cracks in the pavement. As Dr. Ian Malcolm once said, “Life, uh, finds a way.”

This piece is a sonata, more or less. It is full of complex extended harmonies, offbeat progressions, and jagged rhythms. The slow middle section represents a glimpse of a calm and peaceful space away from the bustle of society.

Two versions of the score are included: one in standard notation only, and one in standard notation with tablature.

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Number of Pages: 26

Notation Style: Standard Notation + Tablature

Category: Sheet Music

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