I'm having trouble with my downloads. What do I do?

Contact me here and we'll get it sorted out.

Do you teach lessons?

Yes I do. I teach private Zoom lessons to people all over the world. You can learn more about that here.

Do your books have tablature?

Nearly all of my books contain combined standard notation and tablature with fingering numbers indicated on the standard notation staff. Some may use a specific style of notation depending on what goals they are intended to help you achieve. In any case, you can find what notation style a book uses by expanding the "More Details" section on its product page.

What format are your books in?

All of my books are available as print copies and PDF downloads. When you purchase a print copy, a download of the PDF is included, so there is no need for you to purchase both separately.

How will I receive my downloads?

Downloads of any digital products purchased will be available on the checkout page after completing checkout. Download links will also be sent to you in your confirmation email.

I mistakenly entered an email address I don't use when I checked out and can't access my downloads. What do I do?

Send me a message through the contact page and let me know your correct email address. It helps if you include your order number as well, if you have it.

Should I buy both the physical version and PDF version?

A PDF download is included with the purchase of all physical copies, so there is no need for you to buy both.

Where are your physical books made?

I print and bind all of my books myself in my home office (in the United States). The whole binding process is completed by hand. A lot of love and care goes into each one.

I already own the PDF version. Can I buy the physical version for the difference?

Yes, you can. When you purchase a PDF, a discount code is made available to you that you may use on the equivalent print copy. As long as you're subscribed to receive emails from me, I'll periodically send you any available codes. Additionally, you can locate them in the description on the product pages for both the PDF and print versions. You simply need to enter each applicable code at checkout.

If you release a new version of a book I already bought, do I need to buy it again?

No. If you previously purchased a PDF, whether as part of a physical book purchase or not, you would receive the updated version at no cost. I won't ship you a new physical copy, however. Generally, updates to my books are only made to correct previously missed typos or formatting errors. If I've already released a book as a physical version, it's not likely I'll do any major content revisions.

I'm a teacher. Can I share your PDFs with my students?

As in, can you print out multiple copies of that one PDF you bought and pass them out? No, please don't do that. For one, you're not legally permitted to do that under copyright law. Two, as one teacher to another, I would not do that to you. If I wanted my students to have your material, I would have them buy their own copies. I ask that you do the same. If you have a large number of students that you're planning to have purchase one of my books, I would even be willing to prepare them a discount code. If this is something you'd like to set up for them, please reach out to me.

I'm a teacher, and I'd like to order a large number of your books to provide to my students. Do you offer bulk discounts?

Happy to. Just send me an email about it and let me know how many of what books you're hoping to purchase, and we'll work something out.

My discount won't apply at checkout. What do I do?

Send me an email. We'll get it sorted out, don't worry.

What is your refund policy?

Many of my products include a digital download that is made immediately available upon purchase. As such, I cannot offer refunds on purchases of PDF versions of my books except in the case of accidental duplicate purchases, or if I am able to verify that you have not yet downloaded your purchases. For physical versions that include a PDF download, if I have not yet shipped your book and you'd like a refund, I'll gladly refund the difference between the costs of the book with the PDF and the PDF only, as well as the amount you paid for shipping if for whatever reason you change your mind.

Do you ship outside the US?

I do. Please be aware that taxes and duties / customs fees may be due to your country's postal carrier prior to receiving your package. Also please be aware that international shipping rates are unavoidably high compared to domestic rates. If shipping rates are prohibitive for you, the PDFs are still an option. You're welcome to print any you purchase yourself.