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Hopscotch, Volume 1: Diatonic Interval Studies

Hopscotch, Volume 1: Diatonic Interval Studies

Exercise Book

Regular price ¥2,500 JPY
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A study of diatonic intervals on the guitar that aims to meet several practice goals. It explores the major scale and all of its modes by navigating them in broken intervals. It’s called Hopscotch because you’re, well, hopping around.

These exercises will help train finger independence, awareness of interval structures within a given key, awareness of modal structures, and interval fingering shapes. It includes all 12 major scales and all of their modes, each in broken thirds, fourths, fifths, and so on up through tenths. All of my suggested fretting-hand fingerings are included as well.

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Number of Pages: 387

Notation Style: Standard Notation + Tablature

Category: Exercise Book

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